control room

Alexandra Carp: Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor

This month we would like to introduce you to Alexandra Carp, our Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor. Alexandra has been with us for 1 year and 2 months and is an integral part of our Operations Team.

What is your typical day like?

There is no typical day, as an Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor my schedule is very flexible. On some days I go out on sites whether it is to check on our employees’ performance or discuss our services with our client’s and look for improvement. And on some days I sit in front of a computer and look through documents being filled out and guide employees and controllers on how to improve on their performance.           

How did you get the job / how did you become involved with the industry?

I was close to finishing my education and applied for my first security job as a Concierge, as I saw it as a good opportunity to gain experience in the industry. At my interview I was offered the position of also being a Controller, which I was not sure of at first, but it turns out it was a good decision, as I was able to progress a lot more.      

What is your main responsibility?

My main responsibility is to watch over the guards and controllers, and ensure that the clients expectations are met, as well as communicate with our employees and discuss any issues they may face. I also work closely with the control room, to make sure that they know what they are doing.

What’s special about 360 Services?

The company works really hard to keep the clients happy, but they work just as hard to ensure that the employees are always happy and safe. Since the start I have been pushed by the management team to treat everyone with respect and give everyone chances to prove themselves to us, which I find it being a respectable trait of the company overall.

What’s the best part of your job?

I think the best part of the job is that I get to be communicate with each employee, and be able to help them out when they are facing troubles. As an Area Supervisor, I do many site visits, so I get to meet most of them in person too


Alexandra enjoying the Kent sunshine

What’s the worst part of your job?

I don’t think there is a bad part to my job other than the stressful times when we all try hard to make every situation work in everyone’s favour.

What’s your most memorable work moment?

The 2019 Christmas Party. It was a nice event where I got to meet some new members of the team and talk to one another.  

What advice would you give to anyone interested in the same profession?

Being a Area Supervisor and a Control Room Supervisor can be challenging sometimes. From my experience so far, I find that I always learn something new from mistakes, so there is always room to improve. But I have also learnt that preparation makes this job much easier, so my advice is to not get stressed easily and be organised.

What’s your relationship with your customers?

I think it is a good relationship, we try to communicate with them as much as possible to ensure we reach their expectations.

If you would like to work with the team at 360 Services, please go to our contact us page  to start a conversation about how we can help you. 

360 Services are proud of our diverse workforce which we believe, enables us to do the great work that we do. 

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