Ten Year Anniversary!

Preparations are under way to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of 360 Servies.

On 24th July, 360 Servies will have been trading for ten years. And to mark this, the Office Staff our families and guests will be doing a 10 mile sponsored walk to raise awareness for homelessness across the UK.

Monies raised will be split between St Mungos and Crisis.

The walk will commence at 9.30 on the 29th June 2024 from the 360 Services main office in Dartford, Kent to a hostel site at Mountsfield Park, ‘Spring Gardens’ which is run by St Mungos

We invite you to join us for some or all of the walk. Or to join us at the end to greet us and share refreshments and food.

Check out our Just Giving page https://bit.ly/360fundraising. All
donations are appreciated, no matter how small, every £1 can make a

And for fun (and a prize!), try to guess the time or name of the first member of staff to cross the finishing line.


In July of this year, it will be 10 years since we launched 365 Security Services, which evolved into 360 Services in 2018.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the staff over the years for the contributions that you have made towards the ongoing success of this business. We fully acknowledge that the company is built on the back of dedicated staff who have helped us to build a solid reputation with our clients.

I would particularly like to thank those that have been around since the very beginning, which is currently Sharon Gray, Donna Anderson and Jordan Morris.

Celebrating our 10 Years Anniversary provides us with plenty of opportunities to thank our staff for your hard work whilst also giving back to charity.

Since January the £25 Amazon prize that is announced with each newsletter has been changed to a monthly prize. The winners for January and February were Angela Campbell & Secuna Indjainancassa.

Saturday 29
th June 2024
Visit our Just Giving Page https://bit.ly/360fundraising

We have also announced a quarterly £50 voucher for Office and Control Room staff. The first joint winners were Richelle Smith & Vanessa Walker.

With more giveaways and events for our staff planned throughout the year.

360 Services have also decided to mark our 10 years anniversary with a 10 mile charity walk in support of the Homeless. Many of the office based staff and their families will be participating. I invite as many staff as possible to sign up or cheer us on along route.

360 Services Annual Raffle!

In 2024, 360 Services will be celebrating our 10th Year of Trading! For this special occasion, we want everyone to get involved in celebrating it. We will have an Anniversary Raffle for all staff to take part in, with a £200 prize! All you need to do to enter is send us a short video of you explaining what you like about working with 360 Services, a positive comment about a colleague, resident or client. You could even just tell us your name, what you do for 360 Services and for how long. We will then create a longer video and would love it if you were part of it! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Sponsored Walk

On 29th June our Office Staff will be walking 10 miles from our main office in Dartford Kent, through Bexleyheath, Welling,
Falconwood, Shooters Hill, Blackheath and Eltham finishing at St Mungos Spring Gardens close to Mountsfield Park.

March 2024 map

10 Years Anniversary – 10 Facts about 360 Services

1. Originally started out as 365 Security, managed from a tiny office in Dartford that could only hold 2 people with 1 desk.
2. The 360 Services Manager Director (Kuwayne Cain) is a Lawyer by profession.
3. We have never lost a client due to poor service.
4. We have covered the Notting Hill Carnival since 2018.
5. We provided over 300 staff members at the Queens Funeral in 2022.
6. We still have 3 employees that have been working with us from the very beginning.
7. Our oldest clients from 2014 are Phase Eight, St Giles International School and Cory Energy.
8. 360 Services has one sister company called Natural Mystics Specialist Products.
9. Over 65% of our work is for homeless hostels. The first of which was St Mungo’s Hope Gardens in July 2015.
10. In 10 years, we have grown from a handful of employees to 120+ employees actively working each week with us.

Pay Rises from 1st April 2024

As the cost of living increases, our management team have worked hard to negotiate pay rises for our staff with our clients. We will be informing everyone over the next two weeks of the new rates for the new financial year.

Outstanding Workers!!!

A special thank you to the following staff for the Outstanding Performance of Duties. These individuals have all been
acknowledged by either clients or their line managers for going over and above the expected level for their duties:

• Angela Cambell
• Secuna Indjainancassa
• Jayhun Hussain
• Richelle Smith
• Ukachukwu Okoli
• Vanessa Walker
• Mobolaji Ayorinde
• Nas Sawadogo
• Modou Sanneh

Each month, all members ofstaff with outstanding performance are putinto a draw for a £25 AmazonGift Card.

Congratulations to Modu Sanneh who has won the draw this month. An Amazon gift card will be with you shortly.

Previous winners have been Angela Cambell who won the draw in January and Secuna Indjainancassa who won the draw in February, pictured below being presented with an Amazon gift card by Jordan Rowe

March 2024 Ssecuna and Jordan


Contributing to 10 years of Success – Secuna Indjainancassa

As part of the celebration of 10 Years of trading, 360 Services are highlighting every month the staff members and clients who have or are still contributing to our success and continued growth.

This month we focus on Secuna Indjainancassa and acknowledge his exceptional work at St Mungos Pownall Gardens – A long-term accommodation for single people who have experienced homelessness in West London.

Secuna joined 360 Services in July 2020 and since that time has completed over 1,000 shifts for 360 Services, over 800 of those at Pownall Gardens. In this time, thanks to the management team at St Mungo’s and Secuna’s dedicated leadership in the provision of overnight cover for the project. Pownall Gardens has undergone a complete transformation, which all parties involved, and the wider community can be proud of.

Secuna’s contribution to the success of the project has not gone unnoticed. Throughout his time at Pownall Gardens, he built an excellent rapport with the residents, inspiring many of them to adopt a healthier lifestyle. His promotion of a healthy lifestyle led to the construction of an outdoor gym area that was free for the residents to use. As a result, we saw a significant improvement in residents’ behaviour.

March 2024 Ssecuna and resident

When St Mugos took over responsibility for the delivery the project in April 2019, 360 Services were immediately appointed to provide lone working Night Concierges to safeguard the residents and reduce the levels of anti-social behaviour on site.

Kuwayne Cain our Managing Director recalls, “In the first few months of delivering overnight supervision of the project, we identified high numbers of discarded needles in the grounds of the project. A garden shed where local drug users and dealers (not directly associated with the project) would gather at night to distribute and use illegal substances. Unauthorised visitors regularly being allowed into the project or trying to force their way into the project.”

There was a suspicion that “cuckooing” was happening at the property and those undertaking anti-social activities were trying to intimidate staff to stop them from disrupting their activities.”

St Mungos made great efforts to clean up the environment of the project. A garden that residents and staff were wary of entering, due to the high number of needles and trespassers was transformed into a place where residents could relax, and trespassers found it difficult to enter.

Residents were encouraged to follow the rules and those unwilling to adopt to the new culture of the project were found alternative accommodation. Attempts to intimidate night staff reduced and Pownall Gardens has evolved into a project where anti-social behaviour is no longer an issue.

Sarah Jane-Malone, St Mungo’s Service Director for all Hounslow sites, said

“Secuna was an absolute star in his time at Pownall. He supported the residents in the absence of staff, listened to what they had to say, and arranged activities for the clients of the evening. The feedback I got from staff was always positive, and they felt the building was in safe hands when Secuna was on duty. Incidents happened, but he always managed them well and did whatever he could to address the situation.”

The success of the work conducted by St Mungo’s and 360 Services overnight safeguarding team, meant that towards the end of 2023, when budgets were being reviewed it was decided that Pownall Gardens residents no longer required overnight support. In December 2023, Secuna was transferred to a project called Pound Lane to take over leading the overnight safeguarding for a North West London project that is delivered as a partnership between St Mungo’s and Look Ahead. The project has over 80 residents and 2 buildings – so, therefore, presents its own unique challenges to Night Concierge. However, with Secuna now leading the supervision we are confident that our night team can deliver the outcomes that the project is looking for.

Contract Referral Scheme

360 Services continues to grow, hence the continued recruitment. However, we are always looking for new contracts and opportunities.

Often it is our staff in the field who have the best knowledge about new opportunities and contractsthat our Business Development Team could apply for.

If you hear of any opportunities that you think might be suitable for 360 Services, whether it’s a previous company that has lost a contract or a client that might need our help in the future. Please call our office on 01322 277 051 and ask our Operations Team for more details about the Referral Bonus Scheme. The scheme allows you to take a commission on new clients throughout the full duration of the contract.

360 Services is Recruiting

360 Services are currently still recruiting for Security Guards and Night Concierge for London. If you know anybody that might be interested, please refer them to us and if they stay with us for 6 months or longer you will receive a £50 Voucher.

Candidates must have a SIA badge or Support Work experience, feel free to give them our number (01322 277 051) to book them in for an interview.


360 Services provides Event Security as well as security for most Commercial and Office Buildings.  If you would like more information about joining our team or about the range of services that we offer our clients.  Please email ops@360-services.co.uk or call 01322 277 051.

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