Summer is Here!
As the summer period is now here, please remember to book your holidays and leave requests at least 1 month in advance if not longer!
Please remember that any holiday and requests for days off, must be booked a month in advance, otherwise it will be rejected or regarded as unauthorised leave.
If you take unauthorised leave, we can not guarantee that when you return to work, we will be unable to return staff to the shift patterns or sites that they have previously worked. This is because lengthy unauthorised leave usually means that we have to recruit new staff to cover your shifts.
For any queries around leave please contact Sam on admin@360-services or 07545 449 133 / 02322 277 051.
Hello and welcome to the July edition of our newsletter. Please read it fully as it will help you to keep in touch with the changes in our business and hopefully make your job that little bit easier.
Welcome Danny to the team
We have a new addition to the office team. His name is Danny Amini and his role within the company is Operations Support. His responsibilities include ensuring that our Operations Team is fully staffed in all of the regions that we have clients. As well as monitoring staffs performance in relation to paper work and compliance with our rules surrounding Patrol Points and Lone Worker devices.
If you know anyone looking for work in London, Reading, or Oxford, feel free to pass on his details. You can reach him on or 07355 996 026 / 01322 277 051.
We are currently recruiting for female concierges in London and male or female concierges in Oxford/Banbury. Two things to remember; we have a bonus scheme, where you will get a voucher once a referral from you has completed 6 months with us, and secondly, we are able to recruit people with an SIA badge or/and care worker experience. If you are not sure if your friend is qualified, call and speak to us! 🙂
“we have a bonus scheme”
TelMe App View Restricted to 4 Weeks
As some of you may have already realised, staff can no longer see all of the hours they have worked in the last month via our Telme App. This is due to a previous app issue when staff could not load the app at all. We have had to restrict the shifts data to 4 weeks in the past, so that the app has less information to load. If you need to know your hours for the last month but you can’t see them fully on the app, feel free to request an hour’s report from Alex ( or 07483 312 704 / 02322 277 051 ).
Summer is Here!!
As the summer period is now here, please remember to book your holidays and leave requests at least 1 month in advance if not longer!
Please remember that any holiday and requests for days off, must be booked a month in advance, otherwise it will be rejected or regarded as unauthorised leave.
If you take unauthorised leave we can not guarantee that when you return to work we, will be able to return staff to the shift patterns or sites that they have previously worked. This is because lengthy unauthorised leave usually means that we have to recruit new staff to cover your shifts.
For any queries around leave please contact Sam on admin@360-services or 07545 449 133 / 02322 277 051.
All Handover Must be Signed
As you all know, we have removed the Daily Occurrance books for most of our sites, and we are now focusing on the Handover Books to be as filled out accurately with as much detail as possible. For the next few months, you will see that we keep making changes based on the feedback that we receive both from our staff and our clients. It is important that both our staff and our clients get all the information that they need in order to meet their obligations.
Feel free to send you own feedback directly to
We would also like to remind everyone to ensure that you get the handover document signed at the end of each shift, as well as asking the staff that you are taking over from to sign the document at the start of your shift.
This part of the handover is the most important, as it ensures that the client has received the relevant information from you, and this will help avoid any confusion where there is a dispute whether information has been passed between our staff and our clients. If you work on a site, where you don’t have a staff member to takeover from, please ensure N/A is placed in the relevant sign off box. Likewise, if the client refuses / fails to sign the handover state this on the form and notify the Control Room if it is an ongoing issue.
The Benefits of Good Communication
We would like to bring to everyone’s attention, the benefits of good communication. As our business continues to grow and we get more employees, we want to make sure the communication is always there, not only between the office and field staff, but also within the field staff.
Having a good communication with your colleagues can help you and us so much! It would make your job easier, because not only would you have a lot more information to work with and always be up to date with what is going on, on your site, but you will also create good relationships and friendships with your colleagues!
We have created a group chat for every site, that we should all use to communicate any news and findings we come across on our shifts. Likewise, we (mostly Jordan) will communicate to you any information received from the client. We do recommend that you mute these group chats when you are sleeping, to avoid being woken up at 3am!! Joining the groups is not compulsory, but those who actively participate in the groups are more likely to achieve higher standards on shifts and therefore will be more likely to get pay rises plus be offered more shifts.
If you need to communicate to the office, we always make our emails and phone numbers available to you. Staff are welcome, to email, text, WhatsApp or call any of the Operations Team and HR. Please note that accounts will only respond to emails and requests for the Senior Management must be made first through the Operation Team.
If you don’t have someone’s contact details, feel free to call the office on 01322 277 051 and we will direct you to the right person. We also have an open-door policy! Our office is a bit far for most of you, but if you are ever in the area, you are more than welcome to pop in for a drink and a chat.🙂
Remember, good communication is effective!
Massive Improvement on Patrols & Use of Lone Worker Devices
Every week we compile various statistics on our staff performance including the use of Telme, On My Way, Lateness, Lone Worker Devices & Patrol Points. The results of this information can result in pay rises and promotions a well as disciplinaries if it is clear that our policies are not being followed.
Senior Management are very pleased that the performance of the staff in recent weeks has been excellent and we are very grateful for your efforts in improving standards.
We put a lot of time and effort in making sure that everyone exceeds in their performance as this ultimately leads to more recommendations from clients and enables 360 Services to justify increase charges and wages.
Good employee statistics can get you more shifts, priority on shifts, promoted to senior and/or lead concierge along with employee of the month!
If you experience any problems with the lone working app, please try to take a video of what it’s doing and send it to us so that we can fix it or replace it.
Last month our Employee of the Month Winner was Ade Kehinde! He fortunately was able to visit us at the office, where we handed him his £50 M&S voucher, and he was able to meet the whole office team.
Our Employee of the Month is picked based on positive feedback from our clients and supervisors as well as the statistics that we collate each week. Watch this space for the next winner to be announced once there presentation has taken place – we hope its you !!!.
Contract Referral Scheme
360 Services continues to grow, hence the continued recruitment. However, we are always looking for new contracts and opportunities.
Often it is our staff in the field who have the best knowledge about new opportunities and contracts that our Business Development Team could apply for.
If you hear of any opportunities that you think might be suitable for 360 Services, whether it’s a previous company that has lost a contract or a client that might need our help in the future. Please call our office on 01322 277 051 and ask our Operations Team for more details about the Referral Bonus Scheme. The scheme allows you to take a commission on new clients throughout the full duration of the contract.
360 Services is Recruiting
We are still recruiting for Security Guards, Night Concierge, Support Workers & Night Workers
360 Services are currently still recruiting for Security Guards, Night Concierge, Support Workers and Night Workers. If you know anybody that might be interested please refer them to us and if they stay with us for 6 months or longer you will receive a £50 Voucher.
Candidates must have a SIA badge or Support Work experience, feel free to give them our number (01322 277 051) to book them in for an interview.
Outstanding Workers!!!
A special thank you to the following staff for the Outstanding Performance of Duties. These individuals have all been acknowledged by either clients or their line managers for going over and above the expected level for their duties:
- Olaleye Adeboye
- Stephen Falemara
- Samuel Olowoyo
- Moses Babatunde
- David Babatunde
- Richelle Smith
Each month, all members ofstaff with outstanding performance are put into a draw for a £25 Amazon Gift Card.
Congratulations to Richelle Smith who has won the draw this month. An Amazon gift card will be with you shortly.
360 Services provides Event Security as well as security for most Commercial and Office Buildings. If you would like more information about joining our team or about the range of services that we offer our clients. Please email or call 01322 277 051.