
A Day In the Life of Louise Brown


Louise Brown has been a Night Concierge with 360 Services since October of 2020, and divides her work between 2 St Mungo’s homeless shelters; an accommodation for women and a mixed accommodation. Louise is relatively new to 360 Services, but joined us with with work experience as a security guard. There’s a lot to learn from Louise, a day in her life with 360 Services, and the array of skills she applies to different settings.

How did you come to working with 360-Services?

“I obtained my SIA badge 5 years ago, and since then I worked as a steward at a local football ground and offered door support to local community centres. I also worked as a security guard at a Polish festival and for a number of years, I worked in a casino. This is how I got to know about 360 Services. A gentleman I worked with believed my skills would be suitable for them since they were looking for female staff.”

How is working with 360-Services different to work you’ve done before?

“You have to understand the clients you’re working with. That’s the link I suppose, it’s all about working with people. But the difference is, at a St Mungo’s shelter you’re working with vulnerable people.” A main pivot for Louise has been moving from a commercial setting to a more vulnerable and isolated environment. “In a casino, people come because they want to engage in the services they provide. I had a lot of responsibility and grew to know the clientele well. I would approach argumentative customers with a sense of humour, but remain clear, concise and firm with them.”

Louise has years of communicative tools under her belt she applies to her St Mungo’s work. However, working in a St Mungo’s shelter demands external awareness of things such as substance use, abuse, mental health disabilities and how they pose risks to residents’ safety. It’s for these reasons she takes a wholly different stance on her day-to-day work. “I ask residents, how can I help you to help yourself? Your goal is to move on from here and guarantee a future tenancy. You have to have empathy in abundance and be able to communicate with them.”

How do you approach a typical shift?

“I mainly work in the women’s accommodation and do one shift a week at the mixed hostel. My primary aim is to ensure the safety of those women. That means securing the safety of the building, i.e making sure the fire alarms are secure, checking the front door is closed and nobody is loitering, and then it’s about engaging with them to make sure they’re abiding by their tenancy. For example, I make sure in communal areas there should be no drinking, no smoking or unsociable behaviour.”

As a Night Concierge, Louise has to remain vigilant throughout her shift of her entire surroundings, from the building’s infrastructure to what’s going on externally and internally. This also means keeping a log throughout her shift of events and behaviour. As a night-time concierge, she’ll pick up a handover from the day staff and establish anything that’s happened prior to starting her shift.

“I have a lot of experience with residents who have problems with suicide, mental health and addiction…it’s a challenging environment. In the women’s hostel they’ll come and open up to me. We have to remain professional without being judgemental. I tell residents I can listen and record discussions but encourage them to action these changes with their key workers. Because of my past work experience I can implement skills, theories and resources to help them through.”

What are some of the challenges you face in the hostels?

“In the women’s hostel I work by myself, in the mixed hostel I work alongside a St Mungo’s worker. That in itself is very challenging… when you’re in a team you can bounce ideas off each other. When you’re on your own, you’re on your own. You have 24 hour telephone support from the 360 Services Control Room and a St Mungos on-call duty but you have to be resilient and think on your feet.”

Like all 360 Services staff, Louise is balancing a number of tasks throughout her shift. She has to create a safe, communicative environment that puts prevention and harm reduction first. Louise also has to be able to respond to moments of crisis.

In times of emergency – for example, a resident’s health is in jeopardy – Louise works quickly, decisively and calmly. “It can be very challenging. When an incident happens I’ll file an incident report that will go to management, and I’ll give reassurance to any residents involved. I’ll dial 999 if I have to and do what I can to encourage residents’ safety if they’re conscious and communicative. For example, if I can get a resident into the communal area, it’s much safer for all of us and we can go from there.”

How have you adapted for Covid-19?

“It’s difficult to work in PPE and be open with people. We have to reinforce to residents to follow the measures. For example, if a resident is leaving the house I’ll get them a mask from the office. If they’re in the communal area I try to reinforce social distancing. I’ll monitor CCTV and make notes that I pass to day staff.”

Working with vulnerable people during Covid-19 has proved challenging across many sectors, so Louise has to utilise those communicative tools such as encouragement and de-escalation. These tools are effective because of the relationships she’s created with residents.

“You have to think about the appropriate timing. You want them to trust you so you have to engage with them. You have to be able to look at that individual and speak to them without belittling them, but you still need to get the outcome you want. I had a resident who was being aggressive to other residents in the communal area. I laid out the rules and suggestions and reinforced I would contact the police for everyone’s safety if I needed to. Eventually, they did move, and when they did, they opened up to me and we could take it from there.” 

What do you find rewarding about your work with 360-Services?

“I try to be the eyes and ears for St Mungo’s staff and record what I see. No interpretations, just observations, which is quite hard. My faith is very important for me though. If I can treat you with the love I’d expect to be treated with if I fell on my sword, that’s how I approach people.”

In just a short amount of time, Louise has stepped up to a new, challenging role and has recently been pronoted to a Lead Concierge – Supervisory role. She’s approached her work with a high standard of professionalism and empathy. We’re proud to have her on-board and look forward to her bright future working with us.

A Day in the Life of Andy Neuvell


Andy joined 360-Services 8 months ago and currently works at a St Mungo’s accommodation based in Oxford. Even as a relatively new team member, he has a wealth of practical knowledge that has made him an invaluable, empathetic and professional security guard. Andy previously worked as a behavioural manager in a mental health facility. He comes to this line of work with his own personal experiences of homelessness. From both a professional and personal perspective, Andy focuses on creating relationships with residents and staff. He puts de-escalation and harm-reduction first. This creates a safe, communicative environment for everyone around him.

What drew you to working at 360-Services?

“I’ve worked with children, in health and social care, humanitarian aid and with mentally disabled people before, so I like working with a new group of people. I found the opportunity online and enjoy challenge and change, so I went for it.” Since becoming a day-time concierge, Andy has also trained and inducted new St Mungo’s staff. Beyond his title and daily tasks, he believes it’s essential he brings his previous work experience to the role; the job demands skills that can deal with conflict and emotions.

He strives to ensure members of staff engage and work together for the benefit of their residents. “I make sure relationships with residents are good and anyone who might not have experience working vulnerable people build those relationships. It can really save people and create a safer environment. You’ve got to treat everyone with compassion and respect.”

What does a typical day look like at St Mungo’s?

“When I arrive in the morning I’ll collect a detailed handover from the night staff. It could cover anything from the conflict that’s happened over night to people we haven’t seen in a few days. When I’ve gone over the handover I’ll start my basic set-up: patrol the area, answer emails, check the CCTV and do my keys jobs. This is also the opportunity to check in on particular residents and see if they’re okay. As well as the baseline job, you have to go above and beyond.” 

St Mungo’s is one of the UK’s leading homeless charities and accommodates people from a range of challenging backgrounds that can include alcoholism, self-harm, suicide and abuse. A part of Andy’s concierge work is to ensure residents can access the facilities and help they need. He comes to St Mungo’s with an abundance of experience working with vulnerable people, and is adept in building communication and connections.”I’ll help get people out of their rooms for meetings with their key workers, help book any appointments or hospital trips. Alongside maintaining the security of the building, so much of the work is about engaging with people. It’s one of the best ways to deal with conflict and harm.”

What are some of the main challenges you face?

“When you’re working with people who might be violent or have mental health issues, you go into the work knowing you could get hurt. You’re facing real-life problems, and you don’t want a 26-year-old resident to feel as if you’re above them. That’s why you need to know that person and know how to communicate with them.” For all of the 360-Services’ team, prevention is one of the most critical parts of the job. Prevention can mean several things from monitoring the building internally and externally and the safety and wellbeing of everybody.

“You need to be able to de-escalate a situation and just talk with residents so you can prevent having to contact the police as a final measure. That’s why maintaining those relationships is so important. But I also think trying to make an upbeat and communal area for everyone is really helpful, especially during Covid. A bit of compassion and comedy can go a long way.”

How has working during Covid-19 challenged you?

“We had a resident who tested positive and became a risk, but because of their mental health and experiences with paranoia, it was difficult for them to self-isolate.” Working during Covid is a particularly demanding context for Andy. As well as the preliminary guidelines he has to follow concerning social distancing, he also has to communicate with and safeguard residents and staff if they are exposed to the virus. “I wear PPE and make sure I deep-clean as I go, especially if a resident comes into contact with an area. When you’re working with any vulnerable people and their mental health isn’t there, it can be tough to explain to them what they need to do. You just have to approach them humanely and engage with them.” Again, those relationships and lines of communication are a crucial tool for safety and prevention.

What has been your most memorable work moment?

“There was a resident in distress who was violent, angry and depressed. I was able to just engage with them, sit them down, and talk to them. It meant we didn’t have to contact the police and they were able to talk to a staff member. It was a key moment for me. They were able to open up, relax and find a way of coping that didn’t depend upon substance abuse.”

Andy’s breadth of experience and knowledge goes a long way to creating a safe environment for everyone at his St Mungo’s project. Through his engagement, collaboration, and leadership, he has helped create a space to facilitate residents’ recovery. His ethos of going above and beyond has helped him become the efficient, compassionate concierge he is.

A Day in the Life of Florian

Florian began working for 360-Services in November of last year as one of our security guards. He worked as a security guard at nightclubs before he moved to 360-Services and he’s been with us ever since. He’s based at a St Mungo’s accommodation in London – St Mungo’s is one of the UK’s largest registered charities that provide shelter and help for some of the UK’s homeless population. Responsibility, due-diligence, a duty of care and professionalism are all key tenets of Florian’s role. There’s a lot learn from a day in the life of Florian’s work as a security guard, the skills required, the people he’s met and how he’s had to adapt in wake of Covid-19.  

How does a typical shift start for you?

“When I arrive in the venue I’ll get a hand-over from the St Mungo’s staff and get briefed on what happened during the day; I mainly do night shifts. This is also an opportunity to do a health and safety check of the building. This can include making sure fire extinguishers are in the right place, nothing is blocking any fire exits, there are no leaks, ensure lights are working etc. I’ll also do a welfare check if it’s necessary for anyone staying in the shelter.” These are some of the first steps Florian takes to make sure the security and facilities of the building are intact, make sure he has all the information he needs to start his work, and establish any specific requirements anyone staying in the shelter might need for the night. As well as establishing what is going on inside the building, a key part of Florian’s work is establishing what goes on just outside its walls. “I’ll take this opportunity to look at the CCTV to make sure access has only been made for people within the building.”      

How do you approach working with vulnerable people?

“I have to be aware of what kind of problems they have, whether that’s alcohol or drug addiction or mental health related; they all require different approaches. We have to be aware of where residents are and continuously assess their behaviour.” Health and safety checks, hand-overs, surveillance updates and assessments are all preliminary steps Florian takes to achieving one of the most important parts of his work: prevention. That means preventing issues arising within the building and preparing for any external influences that can compromise people’s safety. “People with drug problems are particularly vulnerable to sellers who target the shelter. We have to be vigilant of anyone hanging around outside the building and trying to make contact inside so we can send them away. You need to remain empathetic with residents whilst setting rules and boundaries, for example not allowing outside contraband like alcohol inside, or quickly deescalating a conflict that could result in a fight between residents. ”

How have you had to adapt in wake of Covid-19?

“We were very busy over lockdown and had to take extra health and safety steps in the building. This has meant temporarily closing communal areas, wearing PPE, glass walls have been installed around desks and we work to socially distance from residents.” On top of Florian’s nightly tasks that include monitoring and patrols, himself and the team are cleaning as they go throughout the night to keep the accommodation clean and secure.   

What are some of the main skills your job requires?

“Assessing people is very important. I have to remain due-diligent and aware of everything that’s going on in order to take care of everyone. I have to maintain a high level of care and communication with the residents, be patient with people, and be prepared to work the long hours, often through the night. There’s a lot of responsibility to take on and sometimes you’ll have to make quick decisions and actions. Like I said, it’s important to make prevention a priority, wherever you’re working as a security guard.”  

What are some of your most memorable work moments?

“You get to know the residents if you’re spending more time in the venue. They might want to share something with you or tell you some of the work they’ve done.” Florian is a keen trainer and enjoys running in the park and training at the gym. Beyond that, he’s also a keen fisher and made a particular bond with one of the residents. “There was a resident who was around my age and I’d share stories with him about fishing with my grandpa. It was really nice to make that connection and hear how he was getting on.”

The balance between care, responsibilities, connections, boundaries and professionalism are particularly challenging for anyone working in homeless care. Florian is dedicated to getting the balance of everything right whilst maintaining a high level of security for everyone at his St Mungo’s accommodation.

Alexandra Carp: Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor

This month we would like to introduce you to Alexandra Carp, our Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor. Alexandra has been with us for 1 year and 2 months and is an integral part of our Operations Team.

What is your typical day like?

There is no typical day, as an Area Supervisor and Control Room Supervisor my schedule is very flexible. On some days I go out on sites whether it is to check on our employees’ performance or discuss our services with our client’s and look for improvement. And on some days I sit in front of a computer and look through documents being filled out and guide employees and controllers on how to improve on their performance.           

How did you get the job / how did you become involved with the industry?

I was close to finishing my education and applied for my first security job as a Concierge, as I saw it as a good opportunity to gain experience in the industry. At my interview I was offered the position of also being a Controller, which I was not sure of at first, but it turns out it was a good decision, as I was able to progress a lot more.      

What is your main responsibility?

My main responsibility is to watch over the guards and controllers, and ensure that the clients expectations are met, as well as communicate with our employees and discuss any issues they may face. I also work closely with the control room, to make sure that they know what they are doing.

What’s special about 360 Services?

The company works really hard to keep the clients happy, but they work just as hard to ensure that the employees are always happy and safe. Since the start I have been pushed by the management team to treat everyone with respect and give everyone chances to prove themselves to us, which I find it being a respectable trait of the company overall.

What’s the best part of your job?

I think the best part of the job is that I get to be communicate with each employee, and be able to help them out when they are facing troubles. As an Area Supervisor, I do many site visits, so I get to meet most of them in person too


Alexandra enjoying the Kent sunshine

What’s the worst part of your job?

I don’t think there is a bad part to my job other than the stressful times when we all try hard to make every situation work in everyone’s favour.

What’s your most memorable work moment?

The 2019 Christmas Party. It was a nice event where I got to meet some new members of the team and talk to one another.  

What advice would you give to anyone interested in the same profession?

Being a Area Supervisor and a Control Room Supervisor can be challenging sometimes. From my experience so far, I find that I always learn something new from mistakes, so there is always room to improve. But I have also learnt that preparation makes this job much easier, so my advice is to not get stressed easily and be organised.

What’s your relationship with your customers?

I think it is a good relationship, we try to communicate with them as much as possible to ensure we reach their expectations.

If you would like to work with the team at 360 Services, please go to our contact us page  to start a conversation about how we can help you. 

360 Services are proud of our diverse workforce which we believe, enables us to do the great work that we do. 

Denisa Dita : Assistant Operations Manager

Densia Dita

We’d like to introduce you to Denisa Dita, our Assistant Operations Manager. Denisa has been with us for 2 years and 5 months so she knows the company very well.

What is your typical day like?

My typical day is busy. I have to multitask and work on different aspects of the business, such as operations.

How did you get the job/how did you become involved with the industry?

I got the job through an online recruitment platform. I started as a part-time area supervisor, even though I did not really want to get the job as it was too far for me from where I used to live. In the end, Kuwayne convinced me to come over for an interview, I liked it and for 10 months I had to commute from South London to Dartford. Initially for 2 days a week, but they shortly turned into 5 days a week.

What is your main responsibility?

We (the management team) use an expression: “rostering and scheduling software is your baby”. So, my main responsibilities are scheduling guards, making sure the shifts are spread evenly to all, booking training for guards, filling in new clients’ surveys, as well as writing clients’ maintenance and supporting other departments of the company. Moreover, I have to observe where the company procedures are not followed and bring it to my colleagues’ attention so they can address it.

What’s special about 360 Services?

No day is like the other, you cannot get into a routine and, while we work hard, we do have a good laugh in the office. Also, I like that we are like family, not only bosses to tell you off. My colleagues support and advise me all the time.

What’s the best part of your job?

Everything! I like to help people and this job gives me the opportunity to do it. I always try to find the midway between the company needs and the employee’s needs.

What’s the worst part of your job?

The worst part for me is when we have a loss, such as losing a team member or a contract.

Most memorable work moment?

Phase Eight Fashion Charity Event and the Notting Hill Carnival where I have the opportunity to combine work with fun.

We were invited to take part in a charity ball organized by Phase Eight. They have shops all around the UK as they are a British fashion brand. It was a nice mix of meet the buyers combined with a charity bidding auction.


What advice would you give to anyone interested in the same profession?

Do not give up when hard times are on high tide, remember that low tide is coming afterwards.

What’s your relationship with your customers?

I would like to think it is a good one.

What are your hopes for the future?

For the business, I hope we will manage to extend nationally in the near future and, shortly after, that internationally.

How are you coping with the Covid-19 issues?

It was stressful in beginning as every day we had to do a dynamic risk assessment of each location where we provide services. I had to reschedule all employees even twice a week, when usually I do the rostering once a week. We had employees that refused to work during this time, we had locations that closed down until further notice. We had new sites coming on board. I found it difficult in beginning but after a while I got used to it. All office staff are working from home. We are using Microsoft team and we video call each other several times a day and we are trying our best to keep the communication.

I really appreciate and I would like to take the opportunity to thank our MD Kuwayne for thinking of each of us needs when he is taking decisions and for the fact that he is letting us take some of the decisions all together.

Also, I would like to thank all our employees for risking their lives by working during these challenging times. I would also like to apologise to them for reducing the number of shifts worked per week. We had to do this because we realised it was fair for everyone to have less shifts but continue to work still.

If you would like to join Denisa and work with the team at 360 Services, please look at our recruitment page for current vacancies. 

360 Services are proud of our diverse workforce which we believe, enables us to do the great work that we do. 

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